My preference in music really
depends on my mood and also on my current life scenario. My ups and the downs! I enjoy my music more,
when I hear a song and every single word perfectly describes my situation. Sometimes
music just says words that I am too afraid to admit.
The flip side to having this kind
of taste is that after a while, when I have moved on in life, some of these
songs don’t appeal to me anymore. At times, I relate them to some bad
experiences or people or memories which I never want to visit again. So whenever
such a songs plays on my itunes, I just skip it. So on an average, the ratio of
songs I hear to the songs I skip on my itunes would be 1: 15 or 1:20. On second
thoughts, I don’t even listen to 5% songs on my Ipod. I would rather listen to
the radio and let the radio jockey decide which song I should listen to.
Now there is nothing wrong about
having a good music collection. It’s just that I don’t want to be a music
hoarder. I live in a house, which hosts a music collection of 3 generations in
the form of records, cassettes, audio CDs and a lot of digital music on a
desktop. The amazing part is that we don’t have a record player, or a music
player which can play cassettes or CDs. The only place where music can be heard
is through the computer or television! So basically, I have shelves and drawers
full of music in forms which are not longer practical! Plus I have 5 GB of
music on my laptop and some 15 GB on my desktop.
So I decided, today’s task is to
clean up my music library on my laptop atleast. Digital decluterring!
It took me about 2 hours and listening
to bits and pieces of hundreds of songs, I finally had a music collection which
I would enjoy listening to. I managed to delete 235 songs and my music folder
is now lighter by atleast 1 GB! Yay to me! It’s a time consuming boring
process, but trust me, having space for new music is a much better feeling!
Declutter your itunes - my updated playlist! |